I’m currently a graduate student in the computer science department at Princeton University, where I’m fortunate to be advised by Jonathan Mayer. I’m grateful for the support of a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. Research interests include online speech & identity, security & privacy, applied cryptography, and book history.

I’ll be a visiting researcher at MIT’s Internet Policy Research Initiative (IPRI) in the 2024-2025 academic year.

Previously, I worked as a fact checker at The New Yorker, where I collaborated with writers and editors on stories for the print and digital editions of the magazine and contributed capsule book reviews.

In other lives, I’ve researched marine invertebrates at the American Museum of Natural History, reviewed submissions to the Quarterly at McSweeney’s, and reported on infectious disease research at the National Institutes of Health.

Say hello: madelyne at alumni dot stanford dot edu.

I’m @madxiaodisease in some places and Madelyne everywhere else.

things I’m thinking about: